About California Funders for Boys and Men of Color
The California Funders for Boys and Men of Color brings together CEOs from the state’s leading philanthropic institutions to shape a better future for boys and men of color—and for California.
CFBMOC aligns the resources, networks and voices of California’s foundations—from family and private foundations to corporate and community funders—with the goal of improving opportunities for African American, Latino, Asian Pacific Islander and Native American boys and young men.
Together with business and policy leaders, we are working to build momentum, public will and policy attention so that California’s boys and men of color:
- Are sufficiently prepared to begin school and learn.
- Are able to understand math and read at the appropriate proficiency by third grade.
- Are earning their high school diplomas.
- Are facing less arrests, convictions and recidivism as youth and as adults.
- Are graduating from college.
- And are securing meaningful and stable careers with sufficient pay to support their families.
CFBMOC uses three approaches to advance our ultimate goal of increasing the percentage of males of color with meaningful and stable careers with sufficient pay to support their families:
- In collaboration with local and state policy and business leaders as well as community partners and boys and men of color themselves, we pursue systems change to dismantle the barriers that hold our boys and young men back.
- By coordinating our resources and leveraging investments from the public sector, we increase philanthropic support for our boys and young men.
- We also help build the public awareness necessary to change these “rules” and create new ones that expand access to opportunity.
The time is now to expand opportunities for California’s boys and men of color to learn, work and earn. By doing so, we can break an intergenerational cycle of disadvantage that harms entire families, communities and our state as a whole.
The CFBMOC is managed by The Center.